레위기 13장은 한센병은 저주 받은 병으로 격리나, 나는 죄인이오라며 죄인시하는 것에 반하여 백반증이라던가 단순 건선은 치료하면 낫는 병이라고 보는 것 같습니다. 무슨 이유로 한센병이 부정한 병이라고 하는지는 모르겠으나 레위기 13장은 제사장이 피부병을 진단하여 클린과 언클린을 선포하는 것이 포인트입니다.
음탕한 병이라뇨
24. " Or, when the body has a burn on its skin and the raw flesh of the burn becomes a spot, reddish-white or white,
25. the priest shall examine it, and if the hair in the spot has turned white and it appears deeper than the skin, then it is a leprous disease. It has broken out in the burn, and the priest shall pronounce him unclean; it is a case of leprous disease.
26. But if the priest examines it and there is no white hair in the spot and it is no deeper than the skin, but has faded, the priest shall shut him up for seen days,
27. and the priest shall examine him on the seventh day. If it is spreading in the skin, then the priest shall pronounce him unclean; it is a case of leprous disease.
28. But if the spot remains in one place and does not the spot remains in one place and does not spread in the skin, but has faded, it is a swelling from the burn, and the priest shall pronounce him clean, for it is the scar of the burn.
당시 제사장은 모든 영역을 관장하는 거의 신적 위치에 있던 듯 합니다. 레위기 13장은 유난히 피부병 그리고 특히 한센병에 관한 증상과 치료에 관한 서술이 자세히 나와있는데요. 부정하거나 음탕한 병이라고 한 것과는 별개로 이 병이 깨끗이 치유되면 클린하다고 선언하라는 설명이 있는 것으로 보아 완치가 가능하다는 것이 더 희망적으로 보이네요.
머리나 수염에 병이 생겼을 때
29. " When a man or woman has a disease on the head or the beard,
30. the priest shall examine the disease. And if it appears deeper than the skin, and the hair in it it is yellow and thin, then the priest shall pronounce him unclean. It is an itch, a leprous disease of the head or the beard.
31. And if the priest examines the itching disease and it appears no deeper than the skin and there is no black hair in it, then the priest shall shut up the person with the itching disease for seven days,
32. and on the seventh day the prisest shall examine the disease. If the itch has not spread, and there is in it no yellow hair, and the itch appears to be no deeper than the skin,
33. then he shall shave himself, but the itch he shall not shave; and the priest shall shut up the person with the itching disease for another seven days.
34. And on the seventh day the priest shall examine the itch, and if the itch has not spread in the skin and it appears to be no deeper than the skin, then the priest shall pronounce him clean. And he shall wash his clothes and be clean.
35. But if the itch spreads in the skin after his cleansing,
36. then the priest shall examine him, and if the itch has spread in the skin, the priest need not seek for the yellow hair; he is unclean.
37. But if in his eyes the itch is unchanged and black hair has grown in it, the itch is healed and he is clean, and the priest shall pronounce him clean.
청결에 대한 강조를 의미하는 것인지, 머리 두피에 비듬이라던가 피부병이 생기는 것 등에 관한 조치와 예방 및 치료에 관해 알려주는가 봅니다. 여기서도 포인트는 문제가 생기면 제사장이 보고 판단한다는 것이죠.
그런데 여기서 잠깐, 왜 레위기에 한센병이라던가 특징적인 피부병 이야기를 하는 거였을까요? 아무래도 창조주의 실험실 같은 곳에서 방사선 실험이라도 한 것이 아니었으려나요? 그래서 혹시 피폭된 사람들 혹은 직간접적으로 부작용이 있는 사람들을 파악하고 실험 및 경과 보고를 확인하기 위함이 아니었을까 하는 생각도 해봅니다.
백반증에 관하여
38. "When a man or a woman has spot on the skin of the body, white spots,
39. the priest shall look, and if the spots on the skin of the body are of a dull white, it is leucoderman that has broken out in the skin; he is clean.
40. "If a man's hair falls out from his head, he is bald; he is clean.
41. And if a man's hair falls out from his forehead, he has baldness of the forehead; he is clean.
42. But if there is on the bald head or the bald forehead a reddish-white diseased area, it is a leprous disease breaking out on his bald head or his bald forehead.
43. Then the priest shall examine him, and if the diseased swelling is reddish-white on his nald head or on his bald forehead, like the appearance of leprous disease in the skin of the body,
44. he is a leprous man, he is unclean. The priest must pronounce him unclean; his disease is on his head.
또한, 단순 백반증이나 건선 같은 종류는 불결한 병이 아니지만 문둥병 즉 한센병은 불결한 병이라고 규정합니다. 한센병은 불치병이라고 본 것 같은데요. 아무래도 생각하길, 뭔가 창조주 실험실에서 유전자 변형 들 실험으로 인한 부작용의 결과가 아닌가 합니다. 창조주가 인간을 만들었는데 갑자기 없던 피부병이 생긴 이유가 기이하지 않나요?
가혹한 형벌
45. " The leprous person who has the disease shall wear torn clothes and let the hair of his head hang loose, and he shall cover his upper lip and cry out, 'Unclean, unclean.'
46. He shall remain unclean as long as he has the disease. He is unclean. He shall live alone. His dwelling shall be outside the camp.
45절도 매우 잔인하고 가혹한 형벌 같은데요. 제사장이 언클린이라고 선포하면 그렇게 부정한 자는 머리를 풀어해치고 윗 입술을 감싸며 부정한 사람이라고 외쳐야 한다고 합니다. 왜죠? 대체 뭘 잘못했길래 피부병 걸린 사람을 죄인 취급하는 걸까요?
47. "When there is a case of leprous disease in a garment, whether a woollen or a linen garment,
48. in warp or woof of linen or wool, or in a skin or in anything made of skin,
49. if the disease is greenish or reddish in the garment, or in the skin or in the warp or the woof or in any article made of skin , it is a case of leprous disease, and it shall be shown to the priest.
50. And the priest shall examine the disease and shut up that which has the disease for seven days.
51. Then he shall examine the disease on the seventh day. If the disease has spread in the garment, in the warp or the woof, or in the skin, whatever be the use of the skin, the disease is a persistent leprous disease; it is unclean.
52. And he shall burn the garment, or the warp or the woof, the wool or the linen, or any article made of skin that is diseased, for it is a persistent leprous disease. It shall be burned in the fire.
그렇게 한센병에 걸린 사람은 입던 옷을 모두 불에 태우고 청결과 위생을 강조한 것 같네요.
지속해서 청결 강조
53. " And if the priest examines, and if the disease has not spread in the garment, in the warp or the woof or in any article made of skin,
54. then the priest shall command that they wash the thing in which is the disease, and he shall shut it up for another seven days.
55. And the priest shall examine the diseased thing after it has been washed. And if the appearance of the diseased area has not changed, though the disease has not spread, it is unclean. You shall burn it in the fire, whether the rot is on the back or on the front.
56. "But if the priest examines, and if the diseased area has faded after it has been washed, he shall tear it out of the garment or the skin or the warp or the wood.
57. Then if it appears again in the garment, in the warp or the woof, or in any article made of skin, it is spreading. You shall burn with fire whatever has the disease.
58. But the garment, or the warp or the woof, or any article made of skin from which the disease departs when you have washed it, shall then be washed a second time, and be clean."
59. This is the law for a case of leprous disease in a garment of wool or linen, either in the warp or the woof, or in any article made of skin, to determine whether it is clean or unclean.
계속 중복되는 내용인 것 같은데요. 레위기 13장에서 한센병은 부정한 병이며 병에 걸린 사람도 나는 죄인이오, 부정한 자요, 라며 외치라고 하는 것이 가혹하다는 생각 뿐입니다.
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